Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Are You Kidding Me Bobby?

Republicans went along with earmarks and big government spending in Washington.--Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal

Went along with WHO??


  1. Technically, the 'whom' is optional and emoticons are still stupid.

  2. TGirsch,

    That nit will go unpicked. The proper level of indignation could not have been expressed with "whom" at the end of the question.

    As to the emoticon, I tend to agree with my son. It was unnecessary because I would have appreciated your intent without it. Had I been too dense to figure it out, then I was unworthy of the effort of the extra key strokes in the first place.

  3. The nit was picked, but the nitpick went unheeded. Nevertheless, I'm used to arguing with conservatives, so I've gotten into the habit of using that sort of redundancy, as denseness is a fairly common trait in those circles. [Must-resist-temptation-to-insert-wink-emoticon!]

  4. You must not pander to the sub-humans!!! If there is one thing I am learning from Atlas Shrugged, it's that men who prize the use of their minds must never compromise!!!! The only thing more degrading than emoticons to the man who employs them is multiple exclamation marks!!!!!

  5. If there is one thing I am learning from Atlas Shrugged, it's that men who prize the use of their minds must never compromise!!!!

    Does this mean that women don't have to use their minds? Or that women can compromise? Or, best of all, that women can use lots and lots of exclamation points?

